
20230727 ccc Y=5 平面

 Assumed Plane の 球体群


blender python

Y=5 の平面に


球体半径 0.1



交点に 作る

# Y=+5 平面の 同時性

import bpy

# Parameters for the spheres

radius = 0.1

x_min = -5

x_max = 5

z_min = -5

z_max = 5

# Create spheres at the intersection points

for x in range(x_min, x_max + 1):

    for z in range(z_min, z_max + 1):

        bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_uv_sphere_add(radius=radius, location=(x, 5, z))

# Y=+10 平面の 同時性

import bpy

# Parameters for the spheres

radius = 0.1

x_min = -5

x_max = 5

z_min = -5

z_max = 5

# Create spheres at the intersection points

for x in range(x_min, x_max + 1):

    for z in range(z_min, z_max + 1):

        bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_uv_sphere_add(radius=radius, location=(x, 10, z))

# Y=0 平面の 同時性

import bpy

# Parameters for the spheres

radius = 0.1

x_min = -5

x_max = 5

z_min = -5

z_max = 5

# Create spheres at the intersection points

for x in range(x_min, x_max + 1):

    for z in range(z_min, z_max + 1):

        bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_uv_sphere_add(radius=radius, location=(x, 0, z))